62 pages 2 hours read

David Baldacci

Zero Day

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2011

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Chapters 40-47

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapters 40-42 Summary

Cole shows Puller a valley fill where Trent’s company tears everything off the surface of the mountain to get to the coal. The result, she explains, is rivers redirected, flash floods, rock falls, and earth slides that crush houses. Compromised water and air quality make people sick. She guesses that when all the coal is gone and West Virginia is a wasteland, no one else will care. Puller asks if Randy was the one who made the earlier threats on Trent. Cole doesn’t answer.

Cole takes Puller to the cemetery where her parents are buried. Roger Trent owns the community around the mine, including the cemetery. Reaching the grave, they see someone fleeing the cemetery, and Cole recognizes Randy.

They return to Cole’s cottage. She offers him coffee. They sit outside drinking it. Puller mentions that he has to go to DC the next day. Cole seems disappointed. She offers to let him stay the night, but he declines. She kisses him on the cheek, and he leaves.

Returning to the motel, Puller learns that Louisa, the old lady whose life he saved, has died. He feels he has failed her just as he failed the men in his squad back in Afghanistan.