62 pages 2 hours read

David Baldacci

Zero Day

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2011

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Chapters 31-39

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapters 31-32 Summary

At the enormous Trent mansion, Cole introduces Puller to Trent. Trent tells Cole that he has had three death threats on his phone saying that his time is coming and justice will be done. He mentions that he has had threats before, and Cole tells him that they have already dealt with those.

Puller asks Trent a few questions about the victims of the other murders, but Trent claims to know nothing about them and demands that Cole focus on the new death threats. He complains that people target him just because they are jealous of his incredible success and that the local community should be thanking him. He says that there are a few successful people, “the haves,” in the world and everyone else, the “have-nots,” want everything handed to them.

When Trent leaves, Puller asks Cole about the previous death threats. She tells him to drop it. At that moment, a woman enters the room. Jean Trent is petite and beautiful, and she addresses Cole as “little sister.” Jean invites Cole and Puller to dinner that night. Roger will be out of town on business.