69 pages 2 hours read

Hilary Mantel

Wolf Hall

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2009

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Part 1

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 1

Part 1, Chapter 1 Summary: “Across the Narrow Sea. Putney, 1500”

Wolf Hall opens with blacksmith Walter Cromwell beating his son, Thomas. Walter yells, “So now get up!” as Thomas lies bleeding on the ground (3). Kicking Thomas in the head busts Walter’s boot, increasing his anger. Thomas blacks out.

Thomas comes to in the doorway of his sister’s tavern, Pegasus the Flying Horse. Kat, his sister, is astonished to see him in this condition; she knows it must have been Walter. Kat begins cleaning him up, emotional over Thomas’ condition. She is like a substitute mother to Thomas. Her husband, Morgan Williams, is also angry on Thomas’ behalf. Kat describes some violent instances with Walter, who has a habit of smashing objects over the back of his family member’s heads before attacking them.

Thomas tries to recall the events leading up to the fight. He had been fighting with someone, but he cannot remember who. This is what set Walter off. Morgan vows, once he is a magistrate, “‘I’ll have your father in the stocks’” (7). Kat and Morgan agree to let Thomas live with them: he can add and read as well as do heavy lifting.

As he recovers, Thomas realizes he cannot stay in Putney. He overhears Kat and Morgan repenting of their offer to let him stay.