43 pages 1 hour read

David Baldacci

Wish You Well

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2000

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Chapters 18-24

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 18 Summary

One Saturday, Louisa decides to give the children a day off from their chores. Diamond shows up and leads them to a treehouse he’s built in the woods. Lou proposes a trip to the big town called Dickens, which is four hours away by foot. She has twenty dollars saved and wants to buy something extravagant. Diamond has never been to Dickens but proposes to get them there via a shortcut through the mountains. The path is hazardous and steep, but the trio eventually makes it all the way to town.

Shortly after they arrive, they cross paths with Cotton. He offers to take them to lunch if they can wait two hours. During the interval, the children go to the local picture show, which is featuring the Wizard of Oz. Diamond is fascinated by the experience of seeing moving pictures on a wall. Afterward, Cotton shows them the courthouse, his office, and his tiny apartment filled with books.

Later, Lou takes them on a shopping spree. She buys socks for herself and gives Cotton a magnifying glass to help with his reading. She presents Diamond with a pocket-knife and purchases a new stuffed bear for Oz. Louisa will receive a shawl when they get home.