62 pages 2 hours read

Gregory Maguire

Wicked: Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1995

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Part 4

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 4: “In the Vinkus”

Part 4, Chapter 1 Summary: “The Voyage Out”

Seven years later, Elphaba is on her way out of the convent. After two years in the city convent, Elphaba moved to a larger monastery outside the Emerald City. Now, her journey back to society will be long, arduous, and dangerous. A little boy named Liir travels with her.

They have hired a chaperone to guide them through disputed territories and to negotiate for them should they be accosted. Their caravan comes across a community of Scrows whose princess turns into an Elephant. Elphaba tells this Elephant Goddess that she needs to make amends with Fiyero’s widow. The Elephant gives Elphaba the gift of three crows to use for protection and communication. She advises Elphaba to travel in the disguise of a witch and reminds her that her destiny is in her own hands.

Close to Fiyero’s tribal lands, the caravan’s dog Killjoy attacks a baby. Elphaba saves the baby and discovers it’s a small snow monkey. She adopts the snow monkey baby, and the caravan continues.

Part 4, Chapter 2 Summary: “The Jasper Gates of Kiamo Ko”

Elphaba makes it to Sarima, Fiyero’s widow. Sarima welcomes her in, and Elphaba immediately tries to confess to her part in Fiyero’s death. Sarima interrupts her, unwilling to hear the story.