62 pages 2 hours read

Gregory Maguire

Wicked: Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1995

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Part 2

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “Gillikin”

Part 2, Chapter 1 Summary: “Galinda”

Seventeen-year-old Galinda is on the train to Shiz. She barely registers the world outside her window, thinking instead of her privileged beauty and how she was smart enough to get out her hometown through admission to a well-respected school. She sits across from a Goat, whom she avoids making eye contact with. The Goat introduces himself as Doctor Dillamond, a professor at Shiz. He asks about her opinions on Animal Rights and the new law that would ban Animals like him from riding in trains. Galinda shuts down the conversation, unconcerned with Animal Rights and instantly unimpressed by Doctor Dillamond.

At Shiz, Galinda is awed by the architecture. She meets Madame Morrible, the headmistress of Crage Hall, for registration. Galinda joins the other pretty girls mingling around the parlor. The girls are accompanied by their Amas, or chaperones, but Galinda’s Ama Clutch stepped on a nail and had to go to the medic before Galinda boarded the train.

Galinda realizes that the Amas are arranging roommates. Left without representation, Galinda shamefully watches the more sophisticated girls pair up. Madame Morrible announces that the rest of the girls must live together in a dormitory, as supervision is mandatory. Galinda protests, insisting that her Ama is on the way.