76 pages 2 hours read

Don DeLillo

White Noise

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1985

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Part 3, Chapters 27-33

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3: “Dylarama”

Part 3, Chapter 27 Summary

On the way home from work, Jack sees an elaborate SIMUVAC disaster simulation in progress with Steffie participating as one of the victims. At the house Jack meets Heinrich’s friend, Orest Mercator, who is training to beat the world record for most days spent in a cage with poisonous snakes.

Later, Jack confronts Babette about the missing Dylar. Babette pleads ignorance, adding that one pill won’t help him anyway. Jack counters that he only wants the pill as proof of its existence, in case Babette suffers side effects and wants to sue the company.

Next, Jack accuses Denise of removing the Dylar from the radiator. She doesn’t deny it. For days Jack tries to convince Denise to hand over the pills, but she refuses.

Part 3, Chapter 28 Summary

Steffie receives a letter from her mother, Dana Breedlove, asking if Steffie would like to visit her in Mexico City over Easter. Steffie is torn because she already signed up to be a victim in another disaster simulation that weekend. Jack reflects on his ex-wives, all of whom are connected to espionage and intelligence in some way. He considers the sad reality that until recently Babette never kept secrets, distinguishing herself from his other three wives. At College-on-the-Hill, Jack and Murray discuss the latter’s recent seminar on car crashes.