76 pages 2 hours read

Don DeLillo

White Noise

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1985

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Part 2, Chapter 21

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “The Airborne Toxic Event”

Part 2, Chapter 21 Summary

On the last day of winter break, Heinrich is perched atop the roof with binoculars. In the distance, he sees a derailed train car and a black plume of smoke that appears to be growing in size. According to radio reports, the damaged train car contained 35,000 gallons of a toxic chemical known as Nyodene Derivative, or Nyodene D. While the chemical is known to cause tumors in rats, its effect on humans is less well understood. At first the radio says Nyodene D causes skin irritation, sweaty palms, and vomiting in humans. Later the media says it causes heart palpitations and deja vu. Denise vomits. The media’s characterization of the cloud itself changes as well, from a “feathery plume” to a “black billowing cloud” to, finally, “the airborne toxic event.”

After dinner, a loudspeaker announces orders to evacuate the town. Within 20 minutes the Gladneys are packed and on the road. Authorities instruct the family to drive to an old Boy Scout camp on the outskirts of town. The latest media reports now say that Nyodene D causes convulsions, comas, and miscarriages. After Steffie complains of deja vu, Heinrich says she is experiencing “outdated symptoms” (115).