64 pages 2 hours read

Lisa Scottoline

What Happened to the Bennetts

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2022

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Chapters 33-46

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 33 Summary

The first chapter of Part Two begins the next morning with Ethan leaving for therapy. Lucinda goes with him and Dom while Jason stays back with Wiki. Jason asks Wiki for help with the outdoor shower. After Wiki goes inside, Jason locks the door behind him and runs down the street. He runs to Mr. Thatcher’s and buys an old Honda Civic with cash. Jason then breaks his phone, throws it away, and takes off in the Civic. He swears that he will not fail his family. Since they cannot survive in witness protection, he must eliminate the threat that put them there.

Chapter 34 Summary

Jason drives to Junior’s funeral. He feels more secure once he leaves the marsh. He reaches the cemetery and drives past the row of cars that are parked for Junior’s burial. He notices that one of the cars is the BMW from the security video he saw on Dom’s laptop. He pretends to visit a different grave next to an elderly man visiting his wife’s grave. The old man tells Jason about his wife while Jason watches Junior’s funeral. He sees Big George and Hart, who is there with a young woman. The old man is still talking when attendees of Junior’s service begin walking back to their cars.