64 pages 2 hours read

Lisa Scottoline

What Happened to the Bennetts

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2022

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Chapters 1-10

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary

Jason Bennett is driving home from his daughter Allison’s field hockey game when a pickup truck begins tailgating his Mercedes. His family is in the car: his wife Lucinda, their children Ethan and Allison, and their dog Moonie. Lucinda posts updates from the game on Facebook while Allison tells Jason that her friends voted him the best-looking dad at school. The family urges Jason to speed up, but they are in good spirits.

Jason resists speeding because he, by his own admission, tends to play it safe. He calls himself a “scenic route kind of guy” (5). When he finally does speed up, the pickup suddenly passes them and slams its brakes around a blind curve, trapping the Bennetts’ Mercedes. Two men exit the pickup and approach the car. Jason exits the Mercedes and attempts to diffuse the situation, but the two men pull out guns and demand the rest of the family get out of the car.

The Bennetts exit the car. The slimmer man sees the teenage Allison and calls her “sweetheart” in a menacing way (9). As tension increase, Moonie suddenly jumps out of Ethan’s arms and, in the ensuing chaos, one man shoots Allison in the neck.