52 pages 1 hour read

Henry James

Washington Square

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1880

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Chapters 29-35

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 29 Summary

Townsend visits Catherine multiple times without telling her he intends to break off the engagement. Finally, he tells her he is going away on business. When she says that his business is to be with her, he replies that the world thinks just that, that he is getting his living by marrying her. He claims he is going to New Orleans to discuss buying cotton. When Catherine says she would willingly go with him, he replies that he would not have her exposed to yellow fever. The trip is an opportunity for him to make a sizeable sum.

Catherine tells Townsend he is thinking too much about business when they are about to be married; they have waited too long already. She takes hold of his arm while she implores him. Townsend accuses Catherine of making a scene and bullying him.

Townsend prepares to leave the house and tells Catherine he will come again the following Saturday. She wants him to come back the next day and promises to be quiet if he comes. Townsend does not agree to come back. Catherine tells Townsend she believes he is leaving her, but he says he will write her and she will see him again.