58 pages 1 hour read

Jodi Picoult

Vanishing Acts

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2005

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Parts 4-5

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 4, Pages 215-238 Summary: “Eric”

Eric remembers his childhood dream of finding the perfect woman and his grief upon waking. He finds Sophie and Ruthann making traditional Native American food and is shocked that Sophie, a picky eater, eats it happily. At work, Eric expresses frustration that a year after Andrew abducted Delia, the law changed to make his crime carry a lesser charge. Eric meets Andrew. Andrew explains that his prior assault conviction prevented him from revisiting the custody agreement, as he feared he would lose all rights to Delia. Andrew states that the day he kidnapped Delia, he took her home first to find Elise unconscious on the floor.

Eric wrestles with his memories of his mother when Delia tells him about a call from the prosecuting attorney. Delia refuses to work with her, and the attorney tries to remove Eric from the case on the grounds of witness tampering. Eric narrowly avoids this removal and possible disbarment but is sternly warned by the judge.

A cancer center calls for Ruthann, who firmly tells Eric they have the wrong number. He decides they both have their secrets. Eric attempts to revisit Andrew, but Andrew refuses to see him. Eric eventually convinces Sherriff Jack to bring him to Andrew, now in disciplinary segregation.