65 pages 2 hours read

Neal Shusterman


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2012

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Part 4, Chapters 21-35

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 4: “Leviathan”

Part 4 Introduction

Part 4 begins with a 2010 article about harvesting organs after voluntary euthanasia.

Part 4, Chapter 21 Summary: “Lev”

The narrator recaps Lev’s past (from the first book in the series): Lev, a well-behaved tithe, gained fame for becoming the clapper who never ignited the compound in his blood (a chemical that allows clappers to explode themselves). In the present time of the narrative, Lev visits a teen in a Cleveland juvenile detention center. Lev warns the kid that he is at risk for being unwound. The kid ends up recognizing Lev from the news, and Lev admits he is visiting detention centers as part of his plea bargain.

Lev thinks about his sentence, including house arrest, community service, and a gag order. He recalls moving in with his brother Marcus and Pastor Dan taking him to various detention centers over a few months. Pastor Dan does not believe in human tithing, and they joke about which religion they practice, saying they are Leviathan (because they were founded around Lev’s actions).

The narrator describes the process of cleaning Lev’s blood. The permanent effects of the chemicals made Lev look young and unfit for unwinding. Only his hair is growing, so he does not cut it.