46 pages 1 hour read

Gordon Korman


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2021

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Chapters 21-27

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 21 Summary: “Jett Baranov”

Jett is furious at his friends’ lack of support, so he decides to get more proof of nefarious behavior. He goes to Magnus’s cabin while the founder is leading the morning ritual. The door is unlocked. When Jett enters, he is shocked to find Brooklynne inside. She is defensive but confesses that Magnus is her father. His real name is Marvin Feldman, but he changed it to sound more impressive and fit with his role as the spiritual guru of the Oasis. Jett accuses her of lying to everybody and betraying her friends. Brooklynne protests that she never lied. She just didn’t want anyone to know her real identity because they would all start treating her like the Oasis princess. Jett refuses to accept this explanation and storms out.

That night, he learns that Ivory has taken the evening off. Still angry with his friends, Jett decides to take the boat to Hedge Apple to get a hamburger. At the diner, as he waits for his order, he sees Snapper’s car driving through town. Determined to get a better look at the mysterious driver, he asks for his order to go and follows the car to the mansion. Once on the property, he circles the house, peering into windows at the lavish furnishings.