105 pages 3 hours read

Gordon Korman


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2012

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Chapters 28-31

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 28 Summary: “Unexpected, Chloe Garfinkle, IQ: 159”

The now disqualified ASD robotics team’s yellow minibus delivers the team to the hospital, along with Katie, Donovan, and the Daniels. While Mr. Osborne and Donovan check Katie in, she and the team lie on the floor, practicing Noah’s breathing technique. An orderly arrives with a wheelchair and gawks at the group on the floor. One of the students tells him they are the birthing team. The entire group proceeds to a pre-birthing room, where they time Katie’s contractions with their robotics stopwatch, study the final sonogram, and keep an eye on Katie’s fetal heart monitor. Eventually, a doctor transfers Katie to a delivery room. Donovan goes with her, and the rest wait.

The Daniels ask the robotics team if this is an ordinary day for them. Mr. Osborne says trashing a robotics competition and having a baby make for “a big day even for us” (152). Abigail anxiously wonders what is going to happen to them. Daniel Nussbaum says it was worth it, referring to Donovan’s display as gladiatorial. Noah corrects him that it was WWE. Daniel Sanderson compliments Noah for his contribution to Pot-zilla’s destruction. Chloe tells the group that what Donovan did may have been against the rules, “but it was right” since Cold Spring Harbor interfered with ASD’s robot (153).