64 pages 2 hours read

Graham Salisbury

Under the Blood Red Sun

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1994

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Chapters 5-9

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 5 Summary: “The P-40 Tomahawks”

Tomi rises at 3:45 am for a weekend fishing excursion with his father. Billy Davis is joining, despite Sanji, Papa’s assistant, harboring superstitions about white people being bad luck.

Billy arrives at the Nakaji house, and Tomi extends his first invitation inside. Mama prepares breakfast—shoyu-eggs and rice—for everyone. However, Billy eats only half the rice, avoiding the eggs, which inadvertently offends Grampa.

Sanji picks up Papa, Tomi, and Billy in his old truck and drives them to Papa’s boat. Tomi brings along a few racing pigeons. Sanji cautions Billy against falling off the boat.

Tomi reflects on a past incident when a fishing line jammed the prop engine; Sanji to freed it while Papa distracted sharks with fish meat. Tomi worries because Papa lacks a radio for emergencies at sea.

As they head out, they release the pigeons, who race for home. Billy shares his father’s binoculars, and everyone takes a turn. A P-40 Tomahawk fighter plane approaches, followed by a second. Papa waves at the planes as he always does. Sanji notes the increased plane sightings, which Billy attributes to the war. Sanji asserts there is no war here, leaving Billy frowning in silence.