64 pages 2 hours read

Graham Salisbury

Under the Blood Red Sun

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1994

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Chapters 15-18

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 15 Summary: “Shikata Ga Nai”

Tomi wants to visit the police station to inquire about his father when Mose and Rico unexpectedly visit. Sharing the news of his father’s arrest, Tomi learns that the police have been deporting older Japanese men. Together, they make their way to the police station, and Tomi takes in the aftermath of the bombing. Tomi also divulges the details of the pigeons to a horrified Mose and Rico, and they cautiously discuss the war and Japan’s involvement.

At the police station, an officer reveals that the FBI has taken all the men. Tomi persistently asks about his father, prompting the reluctant officer to investigate Taro’s whereabouts. Unfortunately, he comes up empty-handed but suggests that Taro is likely confined at Sand Island.

Upon returning home, Mama tasks Tomi with finding Grampa. In the jungle, Tomi locates Grampa with Charlie. Grampa holds the family katana, handing it to Tomi, who holds it for the first time. Expressing sorrow and frustration over Japan’s actions, Charlie reassures Grampa that the island is now his country. After Grampa hides the katana deeper in the jungle, the trio returns home.