44 pages 1 hour read

Jennifer L. Holm

Turtle in Paradise

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2010

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Chapters 13-18

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 13 Summary: “Believing in Monsters”

Turtle, her cousins, and Pork Chop enjoy a cut-up together and discuss whether Frankenstein or Dracula would win in a fight. Turtle takes lunch to Nana Philly, who now cares for Smokey. As they eat, Turtle tells Nana Philly stories about the various people Sadiebelle worked for. After lunch, Turtle hears a loud crash. Investigating the noise, she finds that Smokey fell into the crumbling old piano. As she removes Smokey, Turtle finds a cigar box hidden in the piano. Inside the box is a gold coin and a map claiming to show where the pirate Black Caesar hid his treasure. Skeptical, Turtle leaves the cigar box inside the piano.

Over the next few days, Turtle returns to look at the map several times. She decides to ask Slow Poke about it, but he is away on business. Back at Aunt Minnie’s house, Turtle finds the Diaper Gang planning their upcoming Labor Day holiday. Aunt Minnie returns home, angrily reporting that Uncle Vernon’s planned weekend visit is now canceled because he was hired for extra work for the weekend. After Aunt Minnie takes Buddy inside to put on his pants, Turtle shows the map and coin to the Diaper Gang.