44 pages 1 hour read

Jennifer L. Holm

Turtle in Paradise

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2010

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Authorial Context: Jennifer L. Holm

Jennifer L. Holm is an American author of primarily historical fiction for children. Like her 2000 debut novel, Our Only May Amelia, which was based on a diary by her great aunt, Turtle in Paradise is inspired by a relative’s historical experiences. Holm’s great-grandmother moved from the Bahamas to Key West in the late 1800s, and Holm grew up hearing about her life. According to the author’s note at the end of the novel, several characters and events are historically grounded, such as Ernest Hemingway’s presence on the island during the Labor Day Hurricane of 1935. The character Kermit is based on Holm’s cousin, Kermit Lewin, who went on to serve as mayor of Key West. Holm has received a Newbery Honor Award three times, for both Our Only May Amelia and Turtle in Paradise, as well as her 2007 novel Penny from Heaven, which follows the experiences of an Italian American girl during the 1950s. These novels demonstrate Holm’s interest in issues related to family and cultural identity, as well as the personal effects of socioeconomic forces.

Within Turtle in Paradise, Turtle frequently references the entertaining comic strips of her day, including

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