94 pages 3 hours read

Ben Mikaelsen

Touching Spirit Bear

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2001

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Part 2, Chapters 14-20

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “Return to Spirit Bear”

Part 2, Chapter 14 Summary

Six months have passed since Cole left the island. He leaves the hospital escorted by Garvey, his mother (walking far behind), and a guard who will take him to the detention center. Cole’s right arm is only partially functional, and scars stiffen his movements; his physical therapist told him he has to push through the stiffness or risk permanent loss of mobility. Cole’s father is absent, having been charged with child abuse months before. He paid his own bail, and nobody is sure what will happen next. It was Garvey who convinced Cole’s mother to finally be honest and testify. Cole does not know how to feel about his mother’s presence now, as she never seemed to care before. He has nightmares about being mauled by the Spirit Bear and still feels angry and afraid. However, it is because of the Spirit Bear that Cole is able to push forward: “[R]emembering those eyes brought Cole a certain calm” (88). People from the Healing Circle regularly visited Cole while he was in the hospital as well. Garvey assures Cole he will visit him at the detention center, and Cole’s mother hugs him goodbye before he is driven away.