56 pages 1 hour read

Meg Wolitzer, Holly Goldberg Sloan

To Night Owl From Dogfish

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2019

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Pages 200-250

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Pages 200-250 Summary

The email exchange between Bett and Avery continues, with both girls still anticipating Bett and Marlow’s upcoming trip to New York. They discuss details of the plan to get their fathers back together, such as whether they should sing their favorite song to enhance the mood or play it on instruments.

The night before the play, Javier emails Marlow to introduce himself as a friend of Kristina’s who will be sitting with them. He says his first language is dance and asks (in Spanish) if it’s true Marlow speaks Spanish. He has met Gaga: Her Spanish was great, and so was she.

Bett forgets the instruments but makes it to the airport.

The day after the play, Bett emails Avery, saying the play was great and it was fun to see her. However, now they have a problem: Marlow is in Gaga’s apartment, and so is Javier. After the play, the two men went to the afterparty together and then out for a drink. They stayed up talking and walking around the city all night.

Javier emails Kristina confessing that he felt magic the moment he met Marlow. However, he does not know what to do because Marlow lives in California.