53 pages 1 hour read

Scott O'Dell

Thunder Rolling in the Mountains

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1992

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Chapters 6-10

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 6 Summary

The tribe travels for 20 days. The day before they arrive in Lapwai, they celebrate their last day of freedom with a parade. Sound of Running Feet stays behind to care for her sick baby sister, Bending Willow. Swan Necklace comes into her tent looking terrified. He tells her of a war that Red Moccasin Tops began. He was mocked by an old member of the tribe and tried to prove himself saying, “You’ll see I’m not a child playing warrior. You’ll be sorry for your words” (32). The Red Coats killed two white men in their homes, and Swan Necklace watched. He asks Sound of Running Feet for more bullets. Just then, Chief Joseph and his brother return from a hunt. They insist on an end to the violence, but the war goes on without them. Swan Necklace takes the bullets and rides off with his father and the Red Coats. 

Chapter 7 Summary

The tribe moves to White Canyon, a place where they can hide from attack until they decide what to do. A few days later, soldiers arrive and shoot on their white flag of truce.