53 pages 1 hour read

Scott O'Dell

Thunder Rolling in the Mountains

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1992

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Chapters 11-15

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 11 Summary

The Nez Perce flee the area, while warriors hold off the soldiers. They use tipi poles to carry the gravely wounded and bury the dead in buffalo blankets: “As we wrapped them in soft buffalo robes, we wailed songs of mourning. The sounds pierced the air as our loss pierced our hearts” (59). The women, children, and elderly flee, settling finally near a creek to rest halfway through the next day. Sound of Running Feet struggles to feed her baby sister, who cries for her mother’s milk. Another woman who had lost a baby to the soldiers feeds Bending Willow from her breast. The warriors return, and Swan Necklace is still alive. He praises his guardian spirit. The tribe holds a war council meeting, and they appoint a new chief—a young warrior named Lean Elk

Chapter 12 Summary

Lean Elk takes the tribe on many long rides, beginning at dawn and only stopping once, at noon, to eat. They finally stop for a bit and hear soldiers, including General Howard, behind them. The tribe makes a decision to steal Howard’s mules and horses in the night, so they can no longer follow the Nez Perce.