50 pages 1 hour read

Joseph Boyden

Three Day Road

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2005

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Chapters 25-27

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapters 25-27 Summary

Fall has arrived, and Xavier and Elijah are now stationed in Passchendaele. They are tasked with advanced scouting, and so make their way into town to search a building where they have just killed a sniper. When Xavier goes upstairs, something catches his eye and he fires, only to see that he has shot a woman. There is also a frightened child, who begins hitting Xavier in anger. When Elijah arrives after hearing the shot, he immediately shoots the child. Xavier is stunned and angered. He had not intended to kill the woman, and is upset that Elijah has killed a child. Elijah says he did not know it was a child, but Xavier is not convinced, as lately Elijah has been killing just for fun.

Elijah and Xavier report back, telling their superiors about the dead sniper but not the civilian deaths. Though it is the holiday season, Xavier is depressed, especially after what he has done and witnessed concerning the woman and child from earlier. He gets drunk, drinking too much rum and walking around carelessly. When Elijah returns, he mentions that he has gone to see the Frenchmen, who now know he is a great hunter from the scalps he has taken.