50 pages 1 hour read

Joseph Boyden

Three Day Road

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2005

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Chapters 22-24

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapters 22-24 Summary

Back in the present, Niska takes comfort in the fact that Xavier has smiled in response to one of her stories. This gives her hope. She decides to tell him another story as he is struggling with his pain. Though the story is not a happy one, Niska thinks the story’s medicine will help to heal Xavier. The story begins when another bush Indian visits Niska and Xavier when he is younger. The Indian informs her that there is a windigo in his tribe, and that she is needed to deal with it. The three set out for the village, though Niska is unsure of what she should do. The windigo brings back memories of her father, and though she would rather not bring Xavier, it is her duty to take care of the windigo, and she cannot afford to leave Xavier alone.

Niska learns that this windigo’s story is like the one from her tribe. This time, however, a young man went out and ate his wife when she died. When he returned, he attacked his uncle and had to be restrained. When they arrive at the encampment, Niska prays and tries to find answers, but nothing comes to her.