43 pages 1 hour read

Jerry Spinelli

Third Grade Angels

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2012

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapters 16-17

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 16 Summary: “Outside, Inside”

After losing the halo competition, Suds confides in his mother about his feelings of inadequacy. Even though he congratulated Constantina on her victory, he hesitated when she offered to give him the halo during recess. Ultimately, Suds returned the halo to Constantina, but he admits to his mother that he secretly wanted to keep it, feeling that he has earned it. Suds admits to his mother that he believes his goodness was only superficial. Suddenly, they both hear Mrs. Simms knocking on their door.

Chapter 17 Summary: “Surprise”

Mrs. Simms surprises Suds with a visit at his home, addressing his feelings toward the halo competition. She acknowledges Suds’s disappointment over failing to win and reassures him that he will receive his own halo soon. Suds expresses his surprise that Constantina won instead of Darren, but Mrs. Simms explains her decision. She reveals that Constantina wrote her a letter praising Suds’s kindness and advocating for him to receive the halo first. Despite not behaving as angelically as Suds, Constantina demonstrated humility and selflessness by advocating for him. Suds’s mother is touched by the story and sees Mrs. Simms to the door.