48 pages 1 hour read

Thomas Hardy

The Woodlanders

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1887

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Chapters 33-40

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 33 Summary

With her father and husband away, Grace walks in the woods. There she encounters Giles, who explains he has once more made friends with her father. Grace is then approached by Mrs. Charmond, who has also been out walking, and they discuss their relations with Dr. Fitzpiers. From the way that Mrs. Charmond talks, Grace realizes that the woman loves her husband and is not merely toying with him. Mrs. Charmond denies this, but the two leave each other in a state of dispute. However, they both get lost in the darkening woods and find each other again, huddling together for warmth. Mrs. Charmond reveals that she does really love Dr. Fitzpiers and that they had been childhood lovers. They then manage to find their way to a nearby road.

Chapter 34 Summary

Dr. Fitzpiers returns to Hintock from London a few days later. He is troubled by the dwindling of his practice and a recent letter from Mrs. Charmond asking him not to see her again. When he arrives at the Melbury house, he finds that Grace is out visiting a friend in a nearby town. Dr. Fitzpiers uses this as an excuse to visit Hintock House and saddles up Darling. As he is leaving, Mr.