42 pages 1 hour read

John Steinbeck

The Winter Of Our Discontent

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1961

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Part 2, Chapters 11-16

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2, Chapter 11 Summary

As spring turns to summer in New Baytown, the weather brightens and warms. Joey stops into the grocery store; he tells Ethan he should open his own grocery next door and run Marullo out of business. Ethan wonders how rich Marullo is, and Joey admits to peeking into Marullo’s security deposit box at the bank. He confirms that Marullo is very wealthy and has a number of business assets. Joey reveals that Mr. Baker has been doing business with Albany lately. Ethan calls Immigration Services. He returns home in a bad mood and refuses to mow the lawn when Mary asks him to. He asks Allen what he will be when he grows up and says that he will send Allen to work soon. Mary is upset with Ethan for speaking down to Allen. Ethan goes out to mow the lawn.

Part 2, Chapter 12 Summary

Margie takes diligent care of her looks, knowing that her time will eventually run out to find a third husband and secure a future for herself. Margie dates men secretly. Her boyfriends have included Danny, Stonewall Jackson, and Marullo. The men confide in her, finding a safe space in their secret affairs, so “As most people have secret vices,