55 pages 1 hour read

Ivan Doig

The Whistling Season

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2006

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Chapters 19-22

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 19 Summary

Morrie is saddened by Eddie’s departure. Paul and his classmates wonder what they can do to elevate his mood. Morrie decides he is going to resign, but Oliver and Rose dissuade him and focus on celebrating the arrival of Halley’s comet through a musical. Damon joins in the brainstorming and they win Morrie over to the plan.

Paul summons Rose outside and shows her the approaching comet. Rose says that seeing the comet is just what Morrie needs.

Morrie tells his students about the celebration for Halley’s comet. In three weeks’ time, when the comet is at its full brightness, their parents will be invited to the schoolhouse for a nighttime program, the contents of which must remain secret until then. Though Rose and Oliver want to know what Morrie has planned, Paul and his brothers will not tell them.

The day before Comet Night, Toby's doctor gives him permission to go back to school. The doctor arrives with Harry Taggart, the school inspector. After Taggart departs, Rose goes to see Morrie to tell him the inspector is coming.

The next morning, the students arrive to find that Rose went to the school and cleaned it.