64 pages 2 hours read

Mario Vargas Llosa

The War of the End of the World

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1981

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Part 4, Chapters 4-6

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 4, Chapter 4 Summary

Back at the baron’s Salvador house, the journalist explains how the army found and decapitated the body of the Counselor. They discovered the one torture the Little Blessed One, who knew where he was buried, could not withstand: dogs. It wasn’t the fear of them eating him alive but their association with Satan, whose nickname is “the Dog.” The Counselor’s skull was delivered to a medical laboratory in Rio to be examined. “No evident abnormality” is found (458). The baron is reminded of Gall and his faith in phrenology. He went to France to hand over his last article, only to discover that L’Etincelle de la révolte had been out of print for several years. He confirms the journalist’s suspicion that there was no contact between Canudos and the monarchists.

Antônio Vilanova is about to lead another raid on the army’s supply train when a messenger brings news that the attack on Canudos is to begin any moment. Hurrying back, he asks Abbot João what to do. The Vilanovas are to defend an area parallel to the ravines, and to alert João if they see soldiers; it is vital to know the direction from which the attack will come.