49 pages 1 hour read

Sarah Dessen

The Truth About Forever

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2004

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Chapters 12-17

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 12 Summary

As the days pass, Wes and Macy continue their game of truth, learning more about each other, with their competitive natures prompting them to answer even the most embarrassing or prying of questions. One night after a catering job, while Bert is out with friends at a club social, Wes invites Macy to ride along with him to a party to drop off car parts with a friend.

At the party, Kristy pulls Macy away, determined to show her all the dating prospects in attendance. Macy is unable to make her escape until Wes steps in to save her from a particularly handsy boy. On instinct, Macy grabs Wes’s hand to navigate the crowd and exit the party. He drives her home, but instead of leaving, they continue their game of truth. When Macy asks what one thing Wes would do if he could do anything, he passes on answering. Forfeiting the question means that if Macy answers his next question, she’ll win the game, but he refuses to ask it, telling her to give him a week to think of one.