83 pages 2 hours read

Gary Paulsen

The Transall Saga

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1998

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Part 2, Chapters 29-35

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2, Chapter 29 Summary

Mark is celebrated when he reaches the Tsook town. Dagon tells him that a great feast will be held to celebrate Mark becoming a free person and a Tsook warrior. Mark hesitates, knowing that he ultimately still wants to find the blue light and return home, but Dagon insists.

Mark gauges whether or not Dagon knows why the iron bar is no longer attached to his ankle. Dagon says that Megaan told him that an extra hand was needed for the harvest, so she ordered it removed.

Mark is taken to his new home by Megaan. Leeta now lives with Megaan after her former enslaver was killed. Mark tries to thank Megaan for covering his escape and for caring for Leeta, but Megaan doesn’t accept his thanks and leaves haughtily.

Part 2, Chapter 30 Summary

Mark is taught how to fight by the executioner Sarbo—including how to ride, how to fight with a crossbow, and how to fight with a sword. His injuries heal, and he begins to feel stronger. He is often visited by Barow, whom he teaches how to read and write. Barow tells Mark that the great Merkon will be attending the feast to celebrate Mark’s new status as a warrior.