83 pages 2 hours read

Gary Paulsen

The Transall Saga

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1998

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Part 2, Chapters 21-28

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2, Chapter 21 Summary

Mark and Leeta continue to be towed behind the Tsook; many of the other prisoners have been killed for not keeping up with the pace. The prisoners are given meager rations of raw meat, thrown on the ground. Mark tries to eat things he forages along the way instead, finding the Tsook’s treatment insulting. Dagon, the Tsook’s leader, often looks at Mark with interest due to his different physical appearance.

Mark and Leeta manage to communicate in a combination of English and the arrow people’s clicking language. Leeta tells Mark that they are three days away from the Tsook’s home. She cuts her foot badly and falls behind. The executioner of the Tsook, Sarbo, goes to kill her with a large sword—but Mark runs at him, knocking him over. For a reason Mark doesn’t understand, Dagon orders Sarbo not to kill him and leave Leeta be. Mark wraps Leeta’s foot in a bandage made from a scrap of cloth he saved and carries her on his back.

Part 2, Chapter 22 Summary

The prisoners aren’t given food or water, as the Tsook’s supplies are low. Mark rewraps Leeta’s foot using the old insole of his boot. He considers running away, as they are no longer tied up.