55 pages 1 hour read

Rick Riordan

The Tower of Nero

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2020

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Chapters 25-31

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 25 Summary

The Germani shoot guns at Apollo while he shoots arrows in retaliation, injuring many of them. Apollo also blazes divine fire from his fingertips. Apollo gets hit and hears one of the Germani order that the pumps be started, referring to the vats holding the Greek fire. However, the techs tell him the controls are not working. Apollo imagines that either his shooting at the control panels has worked or Nico and the trogs have managed to empty the vats. Just then Nico enters the control room and kills the leader of the Germani. He asks the techs to run away. To Apollo he says the entire building is now a combat zone and their task is far from done.

Chapter 26 Summary

Considering the damage Apollo has wreaked, Nico suspects his godly powers are growing stronger. Nico tells Apollo that just as Apollo had suspected, the trogs have eaten the Greek fire. Summoned by Rachel, Camp Half-Blood has attacked the Tower of Nero. A battle is raging all around them. Nico takes a concussed Apollo to the building terrace where an enormous fight is underway. Nero’s baristas are imprisoned dryads or tree spirits; they have joined forces with Camp Half-Blood against Nero.