74 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Titan's Curse

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2007

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Chapters 6-10

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 6 Summary: “An Old Dead Friend Comes to Visit”

Percy and Grover sit watching satyrs chase wood nymphs and discuss Percy’s nightmare. Grover reveals that Zoë also had a nightmare and came barging into the Big House demanding to leave. Chiron told her that they were to wait until Artemis sent for them, but Zoë asked, “How are we to get orders from Artemis if Artemis is lost?” (76). They wonder if it was even possible for Kronos, who was being reassembled from pieces, to have the power to take Artemis, agreeing that it was likely no coincidence that Percy and Zoë both had nightmares.

Grover also suspects that the Hunters were likely near Westover Hall because they were scouting Annabeth, who had a flyer for joining the Hunters in her backpack.

Percy spends the rest of the day sulking and worrying about Annabeth. Realizing that, while camp is going on, the Big House is probably empty, Percy goes to see the Oracle of Delphi for advice on how to save Annabeth. When he goes to ask, he receives no reply. Instead, he finds a scarf belonging to Aphrodite that he and Annabeth retrieved two years before, which he thought Annabeth had thrown away. He wonders why she kept it.

That night, Capture the Flag begins.