74 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Titan's Curse

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2007

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Chapters 11-15

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 11 Summary: “Grover Gets a Lamborghini”

Percy realizes that a helicopter is following the group as it rides in the Camp Half-Blood van. He wonders why the United States government is letting it fly, to which Zoë replies that they probably think it’s one of theirs. Percy also asks how mortals could side with the General, given that he’s surrounded by monsters, and she explains that the Mist might be strong enough that the humans can’t see through the magical enchantment.

Bianca leads them to Alexandria and then into the subway. She mentions that, when she and Nico were in D.C. last, they were surprised to find the metro station; the previous time she and Nico were in D.C., there wasn’t even a train system. Before Zoë can ask about the last time she was in D.C., they have to change trains.

At the end of the train line, they shiver next to a man keeping his hands warm over a fire in a trash can. He asks if they need a train headed west, and they say yes. Then, magically, a train appears. When they turn to thank the man, he is gone, as is the fire.

On the train—which is hauling cars—Percy sits with Thalia, who tells him that they’re heading to San Francisco, which is where Titan magic is the strongest.