62 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Throne of Fire

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2011

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Chapters 13-16

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 13 Summary: “I Get a Demon Up My Nose”

Bes works out where Zia’s village might have been, and the two hitch a ride with travelers to get there. On the way, Carter feels both relieved and terrible to be away from Sadie. He hates himself for leaving her, but he also feels exposed after she learned his secret name.

Bes warns Carter not to romanticize rescuing Zia. It might feel heroic, but it may not end how Carter hopes, and he shouldn’t focus on someone he may not be able to have “especially if it blinds [him] to somebody who’s really important” (228).

Zia’s village is underwater as a result of the Nile trying to wash away the evil of the place. Carter and Bes wade out and find stairs leading to a tomb, but before they can investigate, water demons attack. Carter remembers how Horus was once in a similar situation, and that similarity lets him channel the god’s strength, destroying the demons and displacing the river. He and Bes end up on muddy land. At the bottom of the stairs, a door glows with the magician symbol and hieroglyphics that spell Zia’s name.