61 pages 2 hours read

Naguib Mahfouz

The Thief and the Dogs

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1961

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Chapters 1-4

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary

Said Mahran is released from prison after serving a four-year sentence for stealing. Said wants revenge against the people whom he believes betrayed him, including his ex-wife Nabawiyya, who is now married to his former friend Ilish. Said was once Ilish’s criminal mentor, but now Said enjoys imagining Ilish’s terror when they meet again. As Said travels through Cairo, he wonders how much his daughter Sana remembers about him. He notices minor changes in the city and passes the place where he was betrayed and arrested.

On his way to Ilish's house, Said is stopped by an old acquaintance named Mr. Bayaza. A crowd gathers around Said to welcome him home. Said believes that the crowd is protecting Ilish because they all encourage Said to reconcile with Ilish. Said is stopped again outside Ilish's house by a police detective named Hasaballah. Said tells Hasaballah that he intends to reach an understanding with Ilish about Sana's future, but Hasaballah does not believe him. Ilish appears and welcomes Said and Hasaballah into his house, along with other friends.

Inside, Said and Ilish discuss Sana, who is currently "in safe hands" (9) with Nabawiyya in accordance with the law.