39 pages 1 hour read

Héctor Tobar

The Tattooed Soldier

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1998

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapters 17-19

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3: "Antonio and Guillermo"

Chapter 17 Summary: "Adventure in Beverly Hills"

After the move to the tunnels, José Juan disappears. He leaves for work one day and does not return. Anything is possible regarding his disappearance: He could be dead, or he could just as well have returned to Mexico or found a steady job.

Later, José Juan returns. It turns out that he found a couple of jobs by waiting among the day laborers. While the first was not rewarding, the second was a good job doing yard work. The Mexican housekeeper takes a liking to him and allows him to stay at the house. She helps him find a better job at a garment factory; moreover, her brother has a house where José Juan and Antonio can stay for a very low price. This is great news, although Antonio is still distracted by his mission. The friends puzzle over the fact that both the Mexican woman and José Juan have families and yet are moving in together, but José Juan merely shrugs.

Meanwhile, Frank manages to find a gun for Antonio. It is small, a .22 caliber, but it only costs $20. Antonio pays with money given to him by José Juan. Frank’s plan is for Antonio to wait in the alley where Longoria dumps his trash and to shoot him there.