39 pages 1 hour read

Héctor Tobar

The Tattooed Soldier

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1998

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Chapters 11-13

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3: "Antonio and Guillermo"

Chapter 11 Summary: "Fire Escape"

This chapter returns to the present day, as Antonio is stalking the tattooed soldier from the park. After recovering from the initial surreal feeling of this discovery, Antonio feels almost exhilarated and even joyous. Overwhelmed with the desire for revenge, he follows Longoria from the tables to his work: El Pulgarcito Express.

Back at work, Longoria looks through some letters that his coworkers have opened. They get away with this because it is easily blamed on the authorities in the home nations. While at work, Longoria is confronted by an upset customer, an old woman. When she sees his tattoo, she realizes his history and shouts “Murderer!” at him. In response, he slaps her.

Antonio waits at the door of the store and manages to see some of Longoria’s work life. This almost makes him feel pity for the man: The soldier is clearly a subordinate here. Antonio realizes the best choice would be forgetting all about the soldier. Nevertheless, his pity and reason are quickly shattered by the memory of the jaguar tattoo, which to Antonio symbolizes deliberate evil.

Antonio waits until the end of the day, then follows Longoria home. He memorizes Longoria’s address before returning to the shelter with plans to resume his pursuit the next day.