59 pages 1 hour read

Stephen King, Peter Straub

The Talisman

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1984

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Part 4, Chapters 39-43

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 4: “The Talisman”

Part 4, Chapter 39 Summary: “Point Venuti”

Point Venuti looks deserted, but Jack knows they are not alone. The Territories are melding with the place, and he feels the Talisman singing to him. Richard wonders if his father did something to him to create the rash in his skin. A tree reaches for them just as the ripping sound begins again. The tree slams itself into the middle of the road, then topples over. The evil feeling in Point Venuti reminds Jack of the Oatley tunnel.

When they see the hotel, Richard thinks the hotel is bigger than it used to be. Roots from nearby trees grab Richard, but Jack pulls him to safety. They see people in town, watching them, and graffiti on the walls of shops that says YOU’RE DEAD NOW. There are agents protecting the steps of the hotel, and then Gardener appears in the street with a bullhorn.

Part 4, Chapter 40 Summary: “Speedy on the Beach”

They get off the street and crawl through the weeds on their stomachs. Gardener sends agents out to search. Jack hears Speedy’s voice calling him although he doesn’t know how it is possible. He sees Speedy leaning against a pile of rocks.