106 pages 3 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Sword of Summer

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2015

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Chapters 9-13

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary: “You Totally Want the Minibar Key”

Inside, Magnus finds an enormous hunting lodge, complete with animal skin rugs and a giant fireplace with crackling fire. Magnus’s escort is named Hunding. Hunding introduces Magnus to Helgi, who is in charge of check-in. Both men wear badges that say they’ve been at the grove for “over a thousand years” (57).

There’s also a “V” on the badges, which stands for Valhalla, the Norse afterlife for heroes. Helgi asks if Magnus wants the minibar key, and Hunding answers “yes” for him because it will be a long stay. When Magnus asks how long, Helgi tells him forever “or at least until Ragnarok” (58). Reeling with the revelation that he’s really dead, Magnus takes his room key.

Chapter 10 Summary: “My Room Does Not Suck”

On the way to his room, Magnus notices a bunch of other kids his age hanging out in lounges. He witnesses one kid die being impaled by a spear, and two wolves drag the body away. Terrified, Magnus hides, but Hunding tells him not to worry because the “victim will be fine by dinner” (61).

In the elevator, Hunding reacquaints Magnus with pertinent details of the ancient Norse religion, including the nine worlds and that Magnus came from Midgard (the realm of humans).