106 pages 3 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Sword of Summer

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2015

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Chapters 68-70

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 68 Summary: “Don’t Be a No-bro, Bro”

Magnus understands immediately why his mom fell in love with Frey. In addition to his outdoorsy persona, he “radiated warmth and tranquility” (467). Frey is proud of Magnus, which makes Magnus uncomfortable after all the loss of life. He asks if Frey could take up the sword. Frey says he cannot and tells Magnus to confirm with Jack. Jack hurls insults at Frey, calling him a no-bro. Neither Magnus nor Frey knows what that means.

Frey gives Magnus a ceramic jar containing his mother’s ashes and a copy of the flier Annabeth distributed when searching for Magnus. Frey leaves Magnus with the advice to call Annabeth because he’ll need her help, and then Magnus is back on the ship with his friends. The ship is docked at Valhalla, and the group has been summoned to “explain ourselves before the thanes and the host of einherjar” (471).

Chapter 69 Summary: “Oh...So That’s Who Fenris Smelled in Chapter Sixty-Three”

In the dining hall, Magnus tells the entire story before a room full of angry einherjar, Valkyries, and thanes. Unless Odin has anything to say, Helgi and the thanes must discuss the matter in private. X announces, “Odin wishes to intercede” and then shifts form into the god himself (474).