106 pages 3 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Sword of Summer

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2015

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Chapters 53-57

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 53 Summary: “How to Kill Giants Politely”

Despite Magnus’s prediction, the group doesn’t die. Stanley crosses the ravine and lands on a window ledge of the fortress. Magnus thanks him, and Stanley turns back into the runestone Hearth cast.

Sam and Magnus peer through the window. Inside, two giantesses eat, and a cage with a swan inside hangs above them. Sam is “pretty sure it’s Gunilla” in the cage (385). Magnus argues they leave Gunilla to be eaten since she got Sam kicked out of the Valkyries. Sam understands why Gunilla doesn’t trust her. The last child of Loki who got into Valhalla broke Gunilla’s heart and was a spy for Loki. Magnus agrees to rescue Gunilla.

Jack can’t kill these giantesses like he did before because they’re on the giant’s property and “killing them in their home without provocation would be rude” (386). Hearth is still out of it from too much magic use. He and Blitz will stay behind while Sam and Magnus claim guest rights—without which giants may eat or imprison anyone who wanders into their home—with the giants to search for Thor’s hammer and free Gunilla.