106 pages 3 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Sword of Summer

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2015

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Chapters 45-48

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 45 Summary: “I Get to Know Jack”

Blitz leads the group down an alley to hide, but before they get far enough, a web of light engulfs him. It’s Freya calling him back for her earrings. Blitz disappears, leaving the others to defend against the dwarves. Junior wants Sam dead. Magnus wields the Sword of Summer and introduces it by its many accomplishments, to which the sword responds with an audible thank-you, startling him and everyone else. Magnus releases the sword, and it disarms all the dwarves, who retreat. Magnus thanks the sword by name, and the blade asks for a different name, settling on Jack. Magnus reaches to sheathe Jack, who warns him not to do so yet. As soon as Magnus takes up the blade, he will feel as tired “as if you had performed all my actions yourself” (328).

Junior returns with reinforcements, including a dwarven tank. Hearth leads Sam, Magnus, and Jack to a chasm at the edge of Nidavellir with a river far, far below. The river will take them out of Nidavellir, but Hearth doesn’t know to where. With the tank closing in, Magnus claims Jack. Exhaustion slams into him, and he needs assistance: “Sam and Hearth helped me leap off the cliff” (330).