106 pages 3 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Sword of Summer

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2015

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Chapters 28-32

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 28 Summary: “Talk to the Face, ’Cause That’s Pretty Much All He’s Got”

The bag contains the severed head of Lord Mimir (guardian of the well of knowledge). In his presence, Magnus’s mind begins to operate more efficiently. Bits and pieces of information from the last several days come together, and he realizes, “Surt wants to free Fenris Wolf” (193).

Fenris Wolf is the monstrous offspring of Loki and a giantess. He grew so powerful he nearly devoured the gods and was only stopped by the dwarven-made rope Gleipnir, which was strong enough to bind him. Surt wants the sword to cut Fenris Wolf’s rope and start Ragnarok, and Magnus is the “only person who might be able to stop Surt” (196).

Magnus asks Mimir where the sword and Fenris Wolf’s prisons are. Mimir can only give the information if Magnus drinks from Mimir’s waters and puts himself in Mimir’s servitude. Magnus declines, and Mimir sinks into the river. With seven days to find the sword and stop Surt, the four go to get something to eat.

Chapter 29 Summary: “We Are Falafel-Jacked by an Eagle”

On their way to find food, Sam questions Mimir’s information. She doesn’t understand why Mimir wants them to bring the sword to Fenris Wolf’s prison, since it’s already “destined to fall into Surt’s hands” and be used to free Fenris (201).