106 pages 3 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Sword of Summer

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2015

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Chapters 24-27

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 24 Summary: “You Had One Job”

The recycling shoot deposits Magnus, Hearth, and Blitz in Fenway Park a little before dawn. Blitz’s cheeks start to turn gray. Dwarves are subterranean creatures and can’t stand sunlight for very long. The three take shelter in the Green Monster in Fenway Park’s left outfield. While they wait for sundown, Blitz reveals he and Hearth “had one job” (163): to keep Magnus alive. They failed, but all may not be lost since Magnus went to Valhalla.

Blitz and Hearth fill in the details of what happened after Magnus died. They searched but didn’t find the sword, which means either that Surt has it or, more likely, that it will rematerialize near Magnus’s corpse since he claimed the weapon first by touching it. The group splits up. Blitz goes to check with the boss while Hearth and Magnus go to the funeral home where Magnus’s body is laid out. Blitz departs with a final warning for Magnus to be careful because away from Valhalla, “you can die like anybody else” (167).

Chapter 25 Summary: “My Funeral Director Dresses Me Funny”

On the way to the funeral home, Hearth spots a cop who knows Magnus. While they hide and wait for him to pass, Magnus asks Hearth about alf seidr.