106 pages 3 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Sword of Summer

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2015

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Chapters 18-20

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 18 Summary: “I Do Mighty Combat with Eggs”

At breakfast, Magnus gets eggs and settles down with his hallmates: T.J., X, Mallory Keen, and Halfborn Gunderson. The view out a window shows an icy landscape, a far contrast to the summer setting in Magnus’s room. T.J. explains the nine worlds as “different layers of reality, all connected by the World Tree” (113). The explanation doesn’t help much.

The others describe how they died and came to Valhalla. Sam brought X, which is frowned upon since he’s half troll. T.J. also wasn’t welcome at first, despite being found worthy. He understands how Magnus feels and invited him to breakfast so he would stay active waiting for Ragnarok. If he sits alone in his room, he will “start to fade” (116).

Magnus asks if it’s possible to leave Valhalla. It’s not impossible, but it is very difficult. Returning to Midgard complicates things, especially if someone returns before everyone they knew is dead. There are many doors to Boston, though, because it’s “the center of Midgard” (118). Halfborn alludes to Frey’s sword and a legend, but before he elaborates further, a horn sounds. It’s time for battle.