106 pages 3 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Sword of Summer

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2015

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Chapters 14-17

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 14 Summary: “Four Million Channels and There’s Still Nothing On Except Valkyrie Vision”

Helgi presents the replay as “Valkyrie Vision.” The first newcomer’s death plays—he saved a group of people who were trapped on a burning ship by smashing a window with a fire extinguisher. There’s some debate about whether a fire extinguisher counts as a weapon, which makes the newcomer’s Valkyrie look nervous. Warriors must die with a weapon in their hand to be worthy of Valhalla, and if a death is deemed unworthy, “the Valkyrie takes the punishment” (92).

The newcomer is deemed worthy. A vala (seer) comes forward and determines he is a son of Thor, causing a celebratory uproar across the hall. Many great warriors are children of Thor, including Gunilla. The rest of the newcomer deaths play. Each dies more heroically than the last, making Magnus nervous for his turn. One boy is a son of Odin, a welcome sign the god still moves among mortals. The chapter ends with Helgi ordering Magnus to “rise and impress us with your courage” (95).

Chapter 15 Summary: “My Blooper Video Goes Viral”

Magnus’s video plays, but it’s as if someone edited it to make him look like a failure, including not having him holding his sword at his moment of death. An argument ensues about whether Magnus’s death counts.