106 pages 3 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Sword of Summer

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2015

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Chapter 71-Epilogue

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 71 Summary: “We Burn a Swan Boat, Which I’m Pretty Sure Is Illegal”

The funeral for the fallen Valkyries is held in the Boston Public Garden. The bodies are set aboard a swan boat that’s been converted into a pyre. Einherjar and Valkyries pay their respects, and the boat is set aflame.

The rest of the gathered return to Valhalla, leaving Magnus, Sam, Blitz, and Hearth in the park. The group is going their separate ways for a bit, and though he knows it isn’t forever, Magnus still feels like he’s losing them. Sam asks what Magnus is going to do next. He says he has “to keep a promise” and goes to meet with Annabeth (484).

Chapter 72 Summary: “I Lose a Bet”

Magnus and Annabeth spread Magnus’s mother’s ashes at a pond where they used to go camping. Magnus remembers Frey’s advice to confide in Annabeth, but he hesitates to do so because he wants to protect her and because he likes how normal things feel with Annabeth. They agree to try to be less crazy than their parents with a handshake and promise: “Here’s to being less messed up” (487).

Magnus invites Annabeth to lunch to share their stories. Annabeth bets “my life is weirder” (488). Magnus counters it isn’t, and the two go to lunch, the chapter ending before either tells their story.